
Friday, March 1, 2013

Alison edging variations

I have an Pinterest account, like most the Internet users. It is not only a personal collection, it is, for me, a way to organize what I want to do.
While browsing for patterns I found this edging (click on the image, you will get to page):

Allison edging

What I did, was to adapt the double stiches for my beads and changed the orientation of the chains. I did not use any bead for the tatting, the pearls are sewed, like in the Ankars technique.
This is the base of my Duchess set (bracelet and earrings):

The pattern for the bracelet would be:
Ring 16 ds cl rw
Ring 10 p 10 cl do not reverse work
Chain 8 - 8 join to picot rw
You should end up with the chaines on the both sides of te rings, one on the left, the other one on the right side.
The picot of the first chain will serve as a join picot for the second side of the bracelet. It will let you a gap, just right for a bead to get in.

The earrings have the same pattern. The trick is here:

Hope it helps a bit.
If there is a mistake in the pattern, please let me know. I wrote it down from memory. I should really make notes of what I do, like this I would have, sometimes, less stress...


  1. Merci Corina, je me rends compte que je n'avais pas vu cette merveille :) Bisou
    Dommage que tu habites si loin ......

    1. Merci, Titine. Si tu décides de la travailler, je te conseille 2 navettes, meilleures trasitions, tu vas voir. Les chaînes s'arrangent beaucoup mieux que si elles sont travaillées avec une seule navette et la bobine. Si tu décides d'ajouter des perles, utilise l'agrafe. Bisous!
      Tu es loin toi aussi, mais grâce à Dieu, on s'est rencontrées!

  2. Merci beaucoup pour les explications.
    bonne journée
    gros bisous
